Ovation health plans are different by design.

Explore your health plan benefit features.

Ovation health plans are different by design. The healthcare system is complicated and there are wide variations in medical service costs. We pre-negotiate with providers to get the best possible rates for medical services and procedures. By contracting directly with providers upfront, we can ensure fair rates for our members. 

Through coordinated care, our members will know what the costs are before seeking medical care. Working together, everyone can receive affordable quality health care.


Ovation Health Networks

Our open network structure, combined with a national telehealth network, provides comprehensive and personalized care. Members may select providers from our network or invite their current physician to join.

For Primary Care, members may have a selected Contracted PCP, Teladoc 24/7, Teladoc Prime or LASO. Teladoc and LASO both have a nationwide network of providers with secure 24/7 access. 

► To select a Primary Care provider, contact the Care Team at 866-549-4199 or carecoordinator@ovation-health.com.

Members may view their benefits and selected Primary Care provider in the Member Portal.

Ovation Care Team with Patient Advocacy

Our Care Team of experts are available for all plan members. The Care Team is comprised of Patient Advocates and Care Coordinators who help members navigate the healthcare system.

► Our Care Coordinators schedule appointments, locate services, and answer general benefit questions. Each new member has access to a personal Care Coordinator to assist them with adding current providers, reviewing existing treatments and/or prescriptions, and ensuring that medical care is continued seamlessly.

► Our Patient Advocates pre-negotiate costs for treatment and procedures. They are experts in medical administration and serve to protect members from over-payment and high medical costs.

The Care Team is available weekdays, from 8 am-5 pm, CST.
Call 866-549-4199 or membership@patientphysiciancoop.com.

Lab Services with Quest Diagnostics

All Ovation plan members receive unlimited labs with ZERO out-of-pocket expense. 

With nationwide locations, Quest is the leading provider of diagnostics testing in the U.S. They work with leading hospitals and health systems to create custom solutions and processes that help you get the most from their laboratory resources. *Some exclusions apply. Please refer to the Quest Exclusions List.

► To schedule an Lab appointment, send the order to:
Fax: 866-549-4199 | Email: carecoordinator@ovation-health.com.

For questions or further assistance, contact the Care Team at 866-549-4199 or carecoordinator@ovation-health.com.

Diagnostic Imaging Services

Ovation has direct contracts with a variety of full service medical imaging centers.

All Ovation plan members receive imaging with ZERO out-of-pocket expense at direct contracted centers.

► To schedule an Imaging appointment, send the order to:
Fax: 866-234-8707 | Email: carecoordinator@ovation-health.com.

For questions or further assistance, contact the Care Team at 866-549-4199 or carecoordinator@ovation-health.com.

Pharmacy Savings

Drexi provides real prices with no mark ups or extra fees. All Ovation plan members receive pharmacy savings with Drexi. 

Drexi uses national and international sources to ensure that members receive the lowest cost for most medications, including compounded prescriptions. 

The copays listed below are for the actual costs at the time of purchase. The copays are not based on a specific medication but rather on what is charged at the pharmacy at the time of purchase.


Explore Ovation's add-on benefits.

For questions, call the Care Team at 866-549-4199 or email membership@ovation-health.com.